Guidelines for Printing Great Photos
at Home
So you have this great digital
camera and you・ve taken lots of great photos. Now what? Well you
could go to a store and have them print your images for you, but
isn・t that what you did with film? The point of all this great
digital technology is that you can print your own photos at home
without having to pay someone else to do it. Here are some tips
to help you get started:
1. It・ll seem like a lot of money at first but spend the money
to get a good printer. Six color at least. Ink jets are
wonderful for printing snapshots. You won・t need more than that.
Also look around at the computer brands that sell computer
packages for digital printing, the printer that they recommend
is perfect for printing photos at home.
2. Buy some photo editing software. There are lots of brands out
there many of them for pros but you can easily find software
under one hundred dollars that will have lots more options than
you will ever use. Look for software that has automatic settings
so that the computer can automatically color correct, auto
focus, brighten, or darken, etc. At least until you learn number
3. Learn your equipment. Take the time play with the settings.
Don・t try to print perfect photos right away. Most people with a
little time and practice can learn to do basic photo special
effects. Give yourself the time to learn.
4. There is one place that you are going to have to spend some
money and it・s on paper. You can have a great image but
unfortunately you cannot skimp on paper. Get the nice thick
glossy paper, it・s worth it. I・ve tried the cheaper paper, which
is good for test prints, but you need the high quality stuff for
good prints.
5. DPI, dots per inch. Depending on your printer and your
software you may be able to print up to 1200 dpi which is
probably unnecessary for what you・re doing. For up to a 4 by 6
inch print you only need about 300 dpi. Most people cannot see
the difference between a 300 dpi an a 600 dpi at 4 by 6 inches.
For 5 by 7 or 8 by 10 you can go up to 600 dpi.
These steps will help you on your way to printing great digital
photos at home. Remember though make sure that you have fun
printing all those memories.
FYI Just so that you have a frame of reference, I・m a
professional photographer and I have a six color ink jet that I
paid less than $300 for and photo editing software that I paid
less than $100. I print my 5 by 7 images for shows at 600 dpi. |